New Style of Commercial Chain with humunity feelings

2018-11-16 12:34  VIEW : 2117

Geely Automobile Group, has the registration cooperation office located in Hangzhou, with assembling basis and engine manufacture plants, is a large Chinese vehicle manufacturer, as a Chinese brand, it has an entire sales network itself, has over 800 4s dealer shops and over 1000 service centers. Recently it has recently set up over 350 sales centers overseas.

To accomplish the elegance feelings of buying environment, Geely has set up a new concept of their dealerships, turning to use ICEILING and Decobond products, the new decoration effect has improved the environment of the stores, has improved the brand’s impression.

It is not the only example of Pivot products helps brand to accomplished their new illumination and visual identities. Rich colors/parents and flexible materials of Pivot products has provide widely options for costumers.


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Products: Decobond


Products: IBOND Dural/Triple colors

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